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Hybrid Health Check


How is your organisation tracking across the 5 great enablers of hybrid working?

In this cameras-on 90 minute webinar, we will:

  • Provide a self-assessment tool covering all 5 areas: culture, leadership, ways of working, workspace and technology
  • Rotate through short expert input sessions exploring how organisations are progressing in each area
  • Facilitate breakout groups where you can exchange ideas with other participants

Our aim is that participants emerge with a sense of "how are we going?" and "how could we do even better?" in a hybrid world.

When: Thursday, 30th November at 9:30am-11:00am
Where: Online on Zoom

Evaluate your hybrid health in 5 key areas

We'll share with you a health score card that you can privately complete throughout the webinar, addressing:

  • Culture - the secret sauce of "us" that transcends "me".
  • Leadership - leading effectively.
  • Ways of Working - collaborative norms for working together.
  • Workspace - the repertoire of enabling physical environments.
  • Technology - the repertoire of virtual tooling that enables hybrid.

A mix of expert input and interaction in breakout groups

We'll rotate through 5 mini presentations that assist you to reflect on your organisation's progress in each key area. As we go you can privately use the health scorecard as a reflection tool.

From there we'll facilitate breakout groups where you have a chance to debrief with other participating organisational leaders - sharing anecdotes about what has and hasn't been effective in each other's experience.

Your breakout facilitator will introduce you to your breakout group ahead of the workshop so you can hit the ground running in the workshop.

All leaders welcome

Success in hybrid working crosses all disciplines and areas of focus - we have found that the most rewarding conversations bring a variety of leaders together into one holistic conversation:

  • HR leaders or CEOs.
  • Operations leaders.
  • Facilities or employee experience leads.
  • CIOs or technology leads
  • Other senior leaders interested in high performance in a hybrid world

For instance - a collaborative culture (CEO) is best enabled via great meeting facilitation (learning and development / HR) but also requires the right space (facilities) and technology (CIO / tech lead).

It's in bringing these puzzle pieces together that we often see the greatest breakthroughs.

Workshop Run Sheet

Introduction and scene setting

10 minutes

5 x 8 minute expert presentations + reflection via scorecard

40 minutes

Breakout rooms & reporting back to main group

30 minutes

Concluding Q&A and wrap up

10 minutes

About the Presenters


The online training was really interactive and engaging. I wasn't expecting to get so much out of a session. I felt I could jump straight offline and start implementing what we'd have learnt. I highly recommend Amicus for online learning.
- Julianne Latham, Change Manager, City of Sydney
Our company is going through a big change process. It's daunting, but today's session with Amicus and the practical tools they have presented gives me a lot of confidence and ideas for tackling the next step.
- Derek Sadubin, Managing Director, CAPA
Excellent learning and information sessions with hugely experienced and knowledgeable Amicus staff. I have found the session very valuable and practical.
- Ivona Smith, Corporate Admin Manager, NEC Australia

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