Strategy | Finance | Office | Case Study | 2 min read

Amicus Finance Case Study: Consulting Firm (Undisclosed)


Amicus Finance Case Study:
Consulting Firm (Undisclosed)

Owning or Renting?

Our client was evaluating a new office fitout, with a focus on implementing an audiovisual solution that would enable them to deliver a one-click set-up process for their employees with an integrated hardware and software process. They also wanted an office furniture design that would optimise the working environment of the employees, however, with the rapid growth of the business, they were uncertain on what employee numbers they would have over the next 3 years.

In summary, they wanted the latest technology, the flexibility to add more or less equipment, yet they were uncertain about what they wanted to own and rent. Oh, and they wanted to manage cash flow and cost so they could invest more into their people and business' growth aspirations.

There was one final problem: the latest technology would not be available for up to 6 months, yet the manufacturer wanted a 60% deposit prior to delivery!

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Uncovering the data

The breakdown of the new equipment cost was:

•  High-end audiovisual equipment cost $800,000 (including installation)
•  One-click software licence $50,000
•  Additional networking related hardware $150,000
•  Office furniture $200,000 (including installation)
•  Delivery and installation date 1st December 2021
•  Deposit paid to audiovisual equipment $480,000 1st June 2021

The result

Our client paid a total of $1,250,056 over 3 years, at an average cost of $34,724 per month. This included the cost of Amicus Finance paying the initial 6-month deposit on behalf of the client so that they could preserve their cash flows prior to the installation of the equipment.

At the end of the 3rd year, our client decided to return and upgrade their AV technology but purchased the networking hardware as it was compatible with the new technology. This cost our client $16,800.

The consulting firm was considering reconfiguring part of the office so therefore continued to rent the office equipment for a further 7 months until a final decision was made. This cost the client $4,463 per month and gave them the flexibility they required.

So for a complete solution involving a mix of equipment, ownership flexibility, and Amicus Finance providing the initial deposit financing, our client paid a total of $1,298,097 over a 49 month time period versus a total equipment value of $1,200,000. This is equivalent to paying as little as 2% p.a.!

Amicus Finance believes in delivering transparency, flexibility, and a solution approach to each of our customers. We don’t just do financing and nor do we deliver “cookie-cutter” products. We design solutions based on our customers' needs. Our approach revolves around working with our customers, listening to what they need, and providing uninhibited and unbiased feedback.


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